ConfIT! – SMART Application Privacy Policy
I. General information
1. ConfIT! – SMART (further as: “Application”) has been created and is distributed by PLUM Sp. z o.o. located in Ignatki, ul. Wspólna 19, Ignatki, 16-001 Kleosin, entered into the National Court Register by District Court XII Commercial Division of the National Court Register under no. KRS 0000153696, NIP: 966-14-27-390, REGON: 050878784, initial capital: 2 355 800,00PLN, further as “PLUM”.
2. PLUM can be contacted via e-mail:, by phone: 85 749-70-00, by post: ul. Wspólna 19, Ignatki, 16-001 Kleosin.
3. The Application is intended to configure data loggers for gas, that are produced by PLUM, (further as: Logger”) by connecting Users device with the Application.
4. This Application privacy policy (further as “Policy”) aims to provide information on using data and information by Application considering person using Application (further as “User”) or device on which it has been installed (further as: “Users Device”), and privileges to use necessary components of Users Device by Application.
5. Rules of using Application, to the remaining extent, have been regulated in separate document – Application Regulations.
II. Rules of using data and information
1. Application does not gather or use any personal data of User, that is information on identified or possible to identify natural person. Application does not recognize Users identity.
2. Application uses only data and information, on User or Users Device, in scope which is necessary to use Application and its functionality by User. PLUM may use data and information on User or Users Device gathered via Application in purposes of improving functionality of Application and removing possible errors. Used data cover the following:
1) Data identifying Users Device,
2) Data on Application error,
3) Data on condition of Users Device, including the moment of error occurance, Users Device operating system version,
4) Other necessary statistics,
5) Support for installation on site,
6) Configuring the Device and editing basic logger parameters,
3. Application shares data and information on Users Device or User with other entities only in scope that is necessary for Application functioning, that is i.a.:
1) Firebase Analytics – – more information on this subject is available under hyperlink,
2) Google Play Services – more information on this subject is available under hyperlink
4. PLUM will exercise the highest diligence to properly secure data and information considering User and Users Device.
5. It is recommended that User also exercised diligence, so that data and information gathered by Application remained confidential.
III. Rules on using privileges to Users Device components
1. For proper functionality of Application it is necessary that Application used components of Users Device.
2. Before using these components Application will request for granting privileges to Users Device components.
3. To use the Application following Users Device components are necessary:
1) Camera – for reading Loggers bar codes and QR codes, including Loggers serial numbers,
2) NFC – for connection and communication between Users Device and Logger,
3) Vibration – to activate vibrations of Users Device at the end of data transmission between Users Device and Logger,
4) Location of Users Device (access fine location, access coarse location) – to set location of Users Device used for automatic parameters configuration of Loggers location,
5) Bluetooth and Bluetooth admin – for connection and communication between Users Device and Logger, searching and pairing with Loggers,
6) Write and read of device memory (write external storage, read external storage) – to create dumps of Loggers parameters table.
IV. Final provisions
1. Privacy policy can be amended by PLUM.
BDO numer: 000009381